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Versione: 7.x


Using a standalone script

You may install pnpm even if you don't have Node.js installed, using the following scripts.

Su Windows

Using PowerShell:

iwr -useb | iex

Su sistemi POSIX

curl -fsSL | sh -

If you don't have curl installed, you would like to use wget:

wget -qO- | sh -

Su Alpine Linux

# bash
wget -qO- | ENV="$HOME/.bashrc" SHELL="$(which bash)" bash -
# sh
wget -qO- | ENV="$HOME/.shrc" SHELL="$(which sh)" sh -
# dash
wget -qO- | ENV="$HOME/.dashrc" SHELL="$(which dash)" dash -


Se non utilizzi lo script standalone per installare pnpm, devi avere Node.js (almeno v14) installato sul tuo sistema.

Installing a specific version

Prima di eseguire lo script di installazione, è possibile impostare facoltativamente una variabile env PNPM_VERSION per installare una versione specifica di pnpm:

curl -fsSL | env PNPM_VERSION=<version> sh -

Puoi utilizzare poi il comando pnpm env per installare Node.js.

Using Corepack

Dalla versione 16.13, Node.js fornisce Corepack per la gestione dei gestori di pacchetti. Questa è una funzionalità sperimentale, quindi è necessario abilitarla eseguendo:

corepack enable

Se hai installato Node.js usando Homebrew, dovrai installare corepack separatamente:

brew install corepack

Questo installerà automaticamente pnpm sul tuo sistema. Tuttavia, probabilmente non sarà l'ultima versione di pnpm. Per aggiornarlo, controlla qual è l'ultima versione di pnpm ed esegui:

corepack prepare pnpm@<version> --activate

Con Node.js v16.17 o successivo, puoi installare l'ultima versione specificando semplicemente il tag:

corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

Using npm

npm install -g pnpm

Using Homebrew

If you have the package manager installed, you can install pnpm using the following command:

brew install pnpm

Using Scoop

If you have Scoop installed, you can install pnpm using the following command:

scoop install nodejs-lts pnpm

Do you wanna use pnpm on CI servers? See: Continuous Integration.


Here is a list of past pnpm versions with respective Node.js version support.

Node.jspnpm 4pnpm 5pnpm 6pnpm 7
Node.js 10✔️✔️
Node.js 12✔️✔️✔️
Node.js 14✔️✔️✔️✔️
Node.js 16?️?️✔️✔️
Node.js 18?️?️✔️✔️


If pnpm is broken and you cannot fix it by reinstalling, you might need to remove it manually from the PATH.

Let's assume you have the following error when running pnpm install:

C:\src>pnpm install
throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Bence\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm-global\4\node_modules\pnpm\bin\pnpm.js'
←[90m at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:880:15)←[39m
←[90m at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)←[39m
←[90m at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)←[39m
←[90m at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47←[39m {
code: ←[32m'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'←[39m,
requireStack: []

First, try to find the location of pnpm by running: which pnpm. If you're on Windows, run this command in Git Bash. You'll get the location of the pnpm command, for instance:

$ which pnpm
/c/Program Files/nodejs/pnpm

Now that you know where the pnpm CLI is, open that directory and remove any pnpm-related files (pnpm.cmd, pnpx.cmd, pnpm, etc). Once done, install pnpm again and it should work as expected.

Using a shorter alias

pnpm might be hard to type, so you may use a shorter alias like pn instead.

Aggiunta di un alias permanente sui sistemi POSIX

Just put the following line to your .bashrc, .zshrc, or

alias pn=pnpm

Aggiunta di un alias permanente in Powershell (Windows):

In a Powershell window with admin rights, execute:

notepad $profile.AllUsersAllHosts

In the profile.ps1 file that opens, put:

set-alias -name pn -value pnpm

Save the file and close the window. You may need to close any open Powershell window in order for the alias to take effect.

Disinstallazione di pnpm

If you need to remove the pnpm CLI from your system and any files it has written to your disk, see Uninstalling pnpm.